Romance & Friendship Mods Updated for Horse Ranch Patch

Romance & Friendship Mods Updated for Horse Ranch Patch

Hello everyone! Hope you are all having a wonderful week! 

Just wanted to share an update on the recent bug reports for the Romance and Friendship mods. The mods have indeed both been impacted by the new Horse Ranch patch, but the good news is I finished working on the update and it has now been uploaded into Curse Forge! See download links and instructions below.

Please note this is not the update I have been promising for the Romance mod! This is a 1.1 version and isn't adding anything to gameplay. Version 2.0 is still coming soon, with new features and improvements to the actual gameplay, so look out for that!

Change Log:

  • Updated to be compatible with Horse Ranch patch.
  • Fixed autonomous flirting.
  • Fixed Buff Polarity related issue that was causing blue squares and UI bugs.
  • No longer conflicts with Lumpinou's Mods (All testing was done with ALL her mods installed as well)
  • Other minor fixes.

Step 1: Delete ALL KatieMods files in your mods folder, including all of the required files, menus and Feelings mod, EXCEPT for the Parenting Mod, if you have it.

Step 2: Download the updated mods: Friends |  Romance (Curseforge)

Step 3: ⚠️⚠️⚠️ Download the requirements file here (Feelings) and here (General Requirements) (Curseforge). ⚠️⚠️⚠️

Step 4: Unzip the files into your mods folder, no more than 1 folder deep.

If you installed everything correctly, this is what you should see: